A Day in the Life...of Me!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I've got the...ITCH

Yeah, I said it...the ITCH! (And no...I'm not talking about the winter rash that so many people seem to get when the wind is as awful as it has been lately. hehe) I've got the time to grow up, want a place of my own, in need of a fixer-upper ITCH! I can't stop thinking about it. It's DRIVING me CRAZY!! I want a place that most people would think is ugly and not worth the time of day. I want that place, so I can put my own design desires to use and make it my OWN! I want it so I can see if my aspirations to become a successful interior designer might actually come true.

One MAJOR problem....I'm darn near broke.
photo courtesy of SuperStock

Not to say that I hate my job, or anything about it, but honestly, looking at the figures, I'll NEVER be able to afford a house with the income I have right now. And I don't have lofty goals at all...I want a bare bones, fixer-upper, costing less than $100,000, or close there to it. It makes me attempt to figure out (which is near IMPOSSIBLE) if this is the place I want to spend the rest of my days...which it isn't, and I know that! I just want to grow up so badly!

And to make matters even worse...I have the design itch as well! I REALLY want to paint, I really want to re-do my ugly, tired, hand-me-down, paid absolutely nothing for entertainment center, as well as my sad couch! I'm not sure how to scratch even this minor itch! I don't even have a garage that I can drag my tired entertainment center down to work on. It's on it's way to developing into a MAJOR itch.... lets hope I can get this figured out before I drive everyone insane along the way!


Blogger Misti of Studio M Designs said...

So glad you found my blog today! I love your post and was just writing you a very lengthy bit about becoming a decorator and realized that this is a comment for all the world to see and not email. So please email me at studiom1@bellsouth.net so that I can send you all of my great rambling advice! I copied and pasted it to a word doc. for now, email me and I will send you all of my knowledge. Your post was once my life, and it was so inspiring that I am on a mission to help you fulfill your dreams, girl!


January 28, 2009 at 9:41 PM  
Blogger Misti of Studio M Designs said...

And one more thing... you don't need a garage to paint your entertainment center. Do you really want to move that bad boy anyway? Just through down a drop cloth or some old sheets and start painting. You don't take your walls out to the garage to paint, so why must you take out anything else. Well, that is unless you are spray painting. Not a good thing in the house... Go buy some "oops" paint at the hardware store that someone ordered and didn't take. They are CHEAP! Or ask you friends if they have any leftover paint they want to get rid of. You will be amazed by how many people just want to get rid of extra paint. Go admire a friends walls and ask where that leftover paint went off to.

January 28, 2009 at 9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello. My name is Amber. I have/had this same itch. I've been in the same place for 5 years. I was dying to buy a house too but I can't afford what I want. So I found a beautiful place to rent that is old school charm modernized. I am looking forward to the next year of decorating and making it mine. :D I haven't even moved in yet. ;)

February 13, 2009 at 2:41 PM  
Blogger Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

I have recently retired from design consulting with a high end furniture store, but before I started did that I had no experience at all. I sat for almost two years in my special place and envisioned doing what would make me happy and I wasn't even sure what that was exactly,until my son in-law said you love decorating and your good at it. I had no confidence, but I had a dream.Dream big, start small. That's my advise. Be open to all opportunities, envision yourself where you want to be, give thanks as if you've already received. It works. Help can come out of the woodwork. I too, have been where you're at.

February 27, 2009 at 11:16 PM  
Blogger Danyele Easterhaus said...

thrift store..two of my fav words!!! or repurpose? does that help?

thanks for commenting and sharing the love for cora and tuesday on my blog today

March 3, 2009 at 4:04 PM  

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